My title best describes me lately.
Well since last week actually!
A few posts ago I mentioned that Domonic had another ear infection and off to the Specialist we went.
He said he will have to have tubes put in his ears!
I felt like throwing up when I heard that!
Sunday night around midnight Domi started crying and complaining that his other ear hurt. A WEEK after the right ear infection. He has JUST FINISHED up his antibiotics the same day. It was a rough night, we were up ALL night. I had to wake Jason up because his fever spiked 103.7 and I could NOT get him to take motrin. After throwing him in the tub Jason had to hold him down while I forced the meds in. The poor baby was traumatized!!!
So I called the Specialist the next morning and he called in ANOTHER antibiotic which hes been on since Mon. So that's 2 ear infections in 2 weeks!
I seriously cant take much more of this. I hate seeing him suffer like he is!
Monday the 11th we are scheduled for surgery at 6:30am and I am a nervous wreck. I think its harder on the parents than it is the kids. He has no idea what hes in for obviously, but I'm freaking.
A year ago in April, Bella stuck one of those white ball things (cant think of the name) that are in potting soil in her ear. What a fiasco that was! We took her to the ER, who referred us to Doms Specialist. In his office he ended up pushing it further in so SHE was scheduled to be put out the next morning so he could remove it! I was a mess then and I'm a mess now. I cried the WHOLE TIME after they wheeled her away until it was time to go wake her up!
Imagine how I'm going to be on Monday! I have a strong bond with all of my kids but Dom more so because he saved my life. If I hadn't got pregnant with him, I wouldn't have gone back for my yearly exam to find out I had cervical cancer. So he is my little life saver!!
If ya think about it on Monday, please say a little prayer that everything goes as planned and Dom and mommy will be ok!!
6-Inch Skillet Apple Pie
2 days ago
Oh, it is so much harder on us than them. Although that does not help our nerves. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and everything will be fine;)
take care Kim
Well goodness!
I sure will pray for little Dom and you too!
Starting even now I will!
I'm sure it must be tough on you feeling like you can't do alot to help him feel better....but you can put your trust in the One that can....
I pray the Lord give you peace that it will all be o.k.....
Take care,
Oh Dear! I'll Pray for lil guy for sure!
You have had so much on your hands lately, I hope that this procedure takes care of the problems.
Deep breathes Mom!
Sydney had to have them and did more infections and they came out on there own, Michele is very thankful she had them put in, of course she cried too when they took Syd in, I was with her:)
I'll keep Dom in my prayers & try & relax or you'll make yourself sick, girl. You have to have faith in the doctor ~ they train for years & years. I'll be thinking of you.
Oh dear! I know how scary it is for mom esecially. My Jay had them at 5 and again at 17. I will be thinking of you both and praying for you! hugs, Linda
I just recently learned about - most illnesses are caused by allergies - and they can be eliminated. Please check in to this - the surgery may not be necessary! Good luck.
It will be ok. I know how hard it must be for you. But if it's going to make him better then it has to be done. I will pray for him and also say a little on for you that you can be strong for him.
Will keep the both of you in my thoughts & prayers!....and you are right...I do think it is harder on the parents KNOWING their child has to go thru matter how small or big!...My oldest had to have 5 surgerys before age 5...and it NEVER got any easier or more comfortable with any of them!
OH ! I know all about worrying for your children.. Although mine are grown.. you never stop worrying about the.. But I also know about prayers too.. so just know that I am praying for little Dom and you, too.. Remember, the doctors do this procedure many times every day and they are skilled to know exactly what to do.. so rest in the assurance that he will be in good hands... especially in God's Hands...
What a crazy time you have had.
I will be thinking of you guys for this coming Monday. But you will see, everything will be fine.
With everything going on, I hope you have a great day on Sunday. Happy Mothers Day!
Bless Dom's little heart, and his mommy's too.
I know this has been hard on you all, and I've been praying for you.
Oh Jen, we mom's just HATE to see our little ones suffer!!
When my youngest had her tonsils out, I nearly passed out when they brought her into recovery - I guess the stress overwhelmed me - the room started spinning and I had to sit with my head between my knees.
Hugs and prayers to both of you!
sending hugs and prayers your son had tubes put in on his first birthday so I know what you're feeling right now...but kids are tough and I'm sure he'll come out of it just fine :-)
Kids can bring us such joy and such fear!
I will definately keep all of you in my prayers.
Everything will be fine...and just think of all the relief he will have...and all the sleep you get to catch up on! LOL
You and Domi are in my thoughts and prayers!
How great to share what Domi has done for you during this Mother's day holiday. Thanks!
I sure hope that things get better soon for you both!
I too will be praying for a successful surgery for little Dom and a speedy recovery too. I will be praying for your nerves as well. My daughter is now 13 years old and since birth she has an ear infection atleast once a year. She never had to have tubes but she has had a hole in her left eardrum twice and has only suffered minimal hearing loss. You definitely panic when you see blood and puss pouring out your childs ear. Praise God that is all the damage she has suffered.
Take Care,
Sorry about tha baby; will be thinking of you all! He will be fine and then he will get well completely and get back to making you crazy just like he is supposed to do; give him a hug from all of us; Love ya! Merrie
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