Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fantastic Find!

Happy Saturday to ya’s!

What a fantastic fall day eh?

This morning I had to make a run to the PO to ship off some packages and on the way home Jas was telling me about an Amish shop in the area that sells fabric and other items at great prices. So, of course we came home so I could throw a pair of jeans on because I still had my jammy pants on.

The little store is only about 15 mins from my house and I had no idea it was there. She had a HUGE selection of fabrics, I was in heaven. SUPER great prices, $2.05 -$3.75 yd on most of them. I don't think any were priced more than $3.75. I got a few yards  of a candy cane print for Christmas dolls. She carried a TON of pastel prints which aren't my thing but said she will switch it out within the next few weeks to more fall/winter colors.

After that we stopped at an Amish bakery where I got my apple butter AND where Jason found 2 of the largest cheese boxes I have ever seen! They were only $3 ea and I'm wondering if I should paint and distress them and put in my booth for sale OR keep for myself.

What would you do with them?


cheeseboxescheeseboxes In this picture you can see just how large they are by the size of my hand!

So, whatcha think?


Lynn Barbadora said...

Now how lucky a find is that!!!!! Lucky girl........what I could do with those!!

Carmen S. said...

Those are great and I'm not usually a selfish person but......I think you should keep them for yourself:)Enjoy your day!

Linda said...

Hi Jenn.....that Amish store sounds great. Good prices on the fabric.
I think you should at least keep one of the boxes and maybe you the other for displaying in your booth.
Sounds like you had a fun day, that's good because you will probably get our rain tomorrow.

kim@ A Thyme Remembered said...

I found some of these in the spring and painted and distressed them and put a label from Yankee Lane Primitives and put them in my booth! They looked great..already sold one of them and replaced it just this weekend!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Great finds and so neat that the store is so close to you. I would be so tempted to keep the boxes. I would prim them up and stack them for a little side table. They look big enough for one. Plus they are great for storage.
Can't wait to see what you do with them. :)

Cindy at Mountain Hollow said...

I would probably keep one and sell the other. I did see an adorable foot stool with a soft top made out a cheese box. Whatever I am sure you will come up with something creative.

Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

put them in your shoppe if they don't sell bring em home..or keep on and sell the other..:)

Janene said...

I would paint them and keep them for myself! And then when (and if) you ever get tired of them, sell them.
It sounds like you have found a place to visit frequently. You lucky girl!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

OH what fun finding anew place to shop!!

I say paint them and keep them!!

Firecracker Kid said...

Great finds! Great Jason! Good for you:) -Carol aka firecrackerkid

basketsnprims said...

Great find on those cheese boxes ~ prim them up & then decide if you want to keep them or not. Glad you found a fabric shop so near to you.

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Fabulous!!! Last one I found I painted and prim'd up. I don't think I posted a pic of it come to think of it. But it turned out awesome.


Audrey said...

I have collected old cheese boxes for a little while and have them stacked in my prim bathroom and on the top a little pad and accent lamp. They come in different sizes so it makes a graduated look.

My Colonial Home said...

Isn't it funny how we don't realize how many wonderful things are right near did Jas know about it and you didn'

Oh Apple butter....yum

Wow, these are huge boxes...oh the things you can do with them.


Terry said...

Those are some great finds Jenn! I think I'd be tempted to keep them too.
Don't ya just love it when you find a new store...and to think it's that close to you.
Can't wait to see what you do with those boxes.

Unknown said...

I wish I had a place like that near by, good prices on fabric too! Love the boxes!

Tina said...

What a dilemma. Paint and keep those wonderful finds or paint and sell them. A constant one for me.
I enjoyed my first visit here.