This winter has gone by pretty quick in my world but now it seems to be dragging!
I wanted to post my newest bunny I finished yesterday.
Meet Harold, this is Hayleys hubby

He is a little mad at me right now because I forgot to take him to my booth last night and hes worried that by the time he gets there Hayley will be gone. :)
For my question......
I am looking for some sort of PRIMITIVE self inking stamp (custom) or sticker label that I can put on the back of price tags. I had an incident last night when I went to get my check and someone had re-wrote MY TAG on a doll I had in my booth. Not only did they re-write MY tag, but they priced it for 1/2 off. The doll sold for this 1/2 off price and theres pretty much nothing I can do about it. ONLY vendors have these tags as we buy them from the shop owner.......isnt that funny???
So Im out the money which isnt fair to me by any means!
Ive been looking on ebay and etsy all morning and Im not exactly sure what I want so I was hoping someone here would have some ideas as what to do??
That's terrible!! I know there are sites out there where you can buy custom stamps. You may even check out "Stampin' Up" - if I remember correctly you can order custom stamps from them.
Good luck!
That isn't funny!!! They should be ashamed!!! I am sorry this happened. I had a custom stamp made at a stamp shop years ago as well as ordered one from a print shop( where you order buisness cards)
Thanks for the "warning" on the alternative music...gave me a chance to turn UP my speakers!!!
Have a great day. Harold is wonderful.
I am sorry that happened to you. Some people are very "creative"
This site has prim rubber stamps....
So sorry. My mother had a customized rubber stamp made of a Civil War logo several years ago for a quilt project that she was working on for a contest. Her quilt ended up winning special honors in the national quilt contest. I could send you the address of where she got the stamp made it is in the town in Iowa where we live. Or I would be happy to help you if like since I don't remember where you live.
As far as ideas, I think to go with the primative theme, you should pick out somekind of a design from a antique print plate, much like the old print blocks that appeared in 18th and 19th century newspapers or magazine circulors. That way it would be easy to place on whatever you needed to and be very unique to you. I know the stamp was very inexspensive to make. If I can assist you further contact me
Good luck, let us know how it turns out otherwise.
Love your new bunny, nice prim look and accessories.
That is TERRIBLE. People will do just about anything. That's just low and dirty. I know I've had things lifted from my booth and it just burns me up. I would certainly let the owner and/or cashier know about it so they can be on the lookout if it happens again. By the way...I love Harold
Love your new bunny! And cant believe someone would do that in a Good luck finding a stamp!
I can't help you, but I am so happy to read of the other kind offers. This is one great group of women!! Good luck with this issue. Love Harold. Hopeby now he's happily enjoying the day with Haley.
I hope Hayley waits for Harold. We wouldn't want them separated this close to Valentine's Day!
So sorry about the doll thing. Some people are just out right MEAN! I get stuff from Vista Print. Nice prices and decent quality.
Harold is so handsome...LOVE HIM!
I love Harold! Haylee should be worried about him not making it to the store! LOL! I can't believe your tag! In a TS here in town they use the plastic things that shoot through fabric to hold the tag on. If it is ever gone they won't sell the item. They simply say, the tag is gone it is not for sale until it has been repriced. Their other stuff (hard surface) has stickers that are printed like the grocery stores used to use. You could always just state that the tag has been altered and it is not for sale. I just can't believe someone would do that! Your work is worth everybit of your price!
oH I love that did a killer job on him..I went to our local office max and purchased a "custom stamp kit" and I can put what ever I want on it and change it when I want..I believe it was 20.00..
Oh Jenn, that is just awful! What is wrong with people??? If I can't afford something and really want it, I save up for it or sacrifice in other ways. Wonder if the store has cameras??
Thanks for Harold, at least my bunny namesake has a man! LOL.. you made my day as far as that goes..
Love & hugs to you sweetie.. xoxo
Jenn, I'm SOOOOOOOOO mad that someone cheated you like that and it makes it even worse that it may have been a vendor! Grrrrrrrr!
When I look at Harold, he makes me smile. Your bunnies are so adorable! Girl, you are so talented. I really love your original patterns!
I hope you find what you need for your tags. I have no idea where to begin looking for something like that.
Enjoy the rest of your week!
The nerve of some people!!!! Grrrr...
Hey thanks for the cheese box info I would have never thought of that.
LOL he does look mad but still adorable!
I love Harold, he is perfect! Love his grumpy face!
So sad that happened to you, I am new to your blog so this was an item you had on consignment I take it, and the customer re wrote the price..or the shop..sorry I am a little confused, either way thats a bunch of Bull. Must be a way to prevent that.
Lovely blog you have, Hayley will tell you I am new to Prim. I don't make things but I love to buy and trying to decorate with prim little by little..amazing such simple beautiful items have stolen my heart.
take care
If you can't find a stamp you like you could make your own stickers -- print out whatever you want on clear address labels! Or you can buy the full sheet clear labels and make your graphic any size you want - and just cut them out. Stick them on the backs of your tags! This way you can change up your saying or graphic anytime you want.
Love Harold! He's a perfect partner for lil ole Hayley.
I had my stamp made at our local printing's called the BULLETIN...they do just about everything...also try Office Max, Office Depto and Staples....all these places will make rubber stamps for you. The self inking cost a bit more than the rubber stamp but both are good.
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