Monday, March 22, 2010

Need a cutter quilt.....

Badly! I can not find a single quilt. Ive looked at GW, TS, CL, friends and nothing.
Well, I did find quilts on CL but I am not paying $250+ .... no thanks.

If you have one, an extra one and want to make a few extra bucks email me:)

I want creams, reds, blues, browns....darker colors vs pastel colors.


Ahl Cooped Up said...

I understand, I would love to find them too. The local antiques stores overlook them at auctions etc. If they only knew!!!
I have one Guy that has a great store. I think it's time to go pay him a visit.

My Colonial Home said...

I hear ya! I was looking this past week when we were in Ohio at Market and while there we went to a few antique stores...YIKES....they are charging such high prices and I know for fact these weren't as old as they want you to believe.

They're becoming harder to find I think...well, for a reasonable price that is.

Good luck.


basketsnprims said...

I always get mine from ebay ~ I think the store is "somewhere in time". Good luck.

Lee Hill Primitives said...

HI Jen,
Today Beth from shows some cutter quilts that have. Check it out! Bye and good luck