Friday, April 2, 2010

LOVIN this weather!!

Lovin the sounds of the birds early in the am. Lovin this weather. Lovin having the windows open!!!! Lovin that ALL the kids are outside. Lovin that I hit my first estate sale today. Lovin that I am still on a crafting break. Lovin that my booth is STILL fully stocked. Lovin that its the weekend....finally!

'Nuff said!

Happy Easter my friends! Enjoy the weather, enjoy your family!


Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

Happy Easter Jen..Love the picture.;)

basketsnprims said...

Glad you're loving life. Happy Easter.

Something Nice and Pretty said...

Loven the additude you have, I'm loven it too:)

Have a wonderful Easter!

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

Happy Easter jenn!

Anonymous said...

Lovin' this entry! =)
I am so glad that you are happy and enjoying your life...and... that you shared your joy with us! It's so refreshing to read.

Linda said...

Hi Jenn............thinking about getting that little
fixer-upper are you!!!!!
Can't wait to see what you got at the estate sale.
Happy Easter.