Thanks ladies:)
The rules of this award are:
*Put the logo on your blog or post*
*Nominate at least 5 blogs (can be more) that are Uber Amazing!*
*Let them know that they have received this Uber Amazing award by commenting on their blog.*
*Share the love and link to this post and to the person you received your award from.*
This award has circulated around so Ill just leave it here for anyone who has not yet received it to go ahead and grab it for yourself!!
We named the puppy Oliver! Ollie for short:)
Hes a wild lil guy, runs around the kitchen and living room in a great big circle barking real early in the morning, ha!
I was in 2 Christmas swap, a Secret Santa Swap and a Thrifty Secret Christmas Swap hosted by Carolyn over at CHK.
My Secret Santa was Janae, just look at what she sent me!!
There is also a yummy smelling tart that I displayed in my bowl on my coffee table.
And these are the goodies I got from Keli who owns Primitives and Porcelain
Ive got alot more to post but Ill save it for another as this is probably long enough.
I just wanted to thank you all again for thinking of me these few weeks and leaving me such wonderful comments.
Hi Jenn!
Love the name!! How cute...seems like it suits him ;)
Ya best not try to do everything at once girl!! Ya don't want to over do it!
Love ALL your gifts from both swaps...you got some wonderful things! Love that stocking...well, I love everything! ;)
This was my first swap, the one you did...and I LOVED it! THANKS so much for puttin' it together for us!
Have a HAPPY & Blessed Thanksgiving!
CONGRATS on your award too :)
I'm glad that you are doing better now...boy you just kept getting whopped with one thing after another girl!
That's pretty much how my whole summer was...thank the good Lord I'm doing much better now...cause I was way behind in what I should've had done....
Take care of yourself and
hope you and your's have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!
Love all your goodies you've been making!
I wished I had the patience to sew.....
Hey...help me with the mystery...come to my blog,Please.
I love the name Ollie. Such a cute little dog, too. You received wonderful gifts from the swaps. There is sure alot of talent out there amongst our blogging buddies. Happy Thanksgiving to you & your family, Jenn.
Jenn, I love how you hung the sign over the stocking ! I had so much fun doing this swap ! Have a wonderful afternoon !
Janae :-)
Jenn~ You are one lucky lady!
I'm glad you are feeling so much better.
Take it easy over the Thanksgiving holiday. Don't want you to get sick again!
Take Care~
So glad to hear you are feeling better!! I love your puppies new name its so cute!! And your swap goodies are awesome!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!~Wendy
Well now you are just going to wear yourself out and get sick all over again! Take it easy girlie.
Love your goodies from the swap.
Hey Jenn! I KNEW you would dive right in and work yourself half to death! Girl, please take it easy! Get some strength back first!
I enjoyed the swap too and LOVE everything I got from you! I need to post my pics on my blog too, but I may have to wait until later.
I'm cooking this morning and have several thigns going at once! LOL! You know how it is! :D
Have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!
Hope you are feeling better and don't over do it girl..
All of your stuff looks so good!!!
Have a great day.
What a cute name for your puppy. What great goodies your received. And congrats on the award. Glad to hear your feeling better.
Ollie! I love it!!
I've TAGGED you Jenn!! Come over and pick it up to pass on, when you have time!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I love your dogs name...to CUTE!
You got yourself some real nice goodies!!! I love them ALL!
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