Well I called 1st thing this morning, they didnt even want to see EITHER kid until I told her B has been complaining about her ears. Because Doms leg pain was not "serious" - HUH? they wanted to schedule him for tomorrow! Ok YEA, Im gonna make TWO trips into town - 20 mins each way! No thanks!!
The poor kid tells me his leg hurts all of the time so Im going to take him to an Orthopaedic Dr and be done with it! Either way they are gonna want Xrays!
So apparently Bella doesnt have pink eye, its from her nose? Hmmmmm - Im not Dr but Im wondering about that. She does have a double ear infection. The poor thing! She started an antibiotic today so if it IS pink eye that should do the trick!
On a lighter note there is a big storm headed for us. They are calling for up to a foot of snow! AWESOME! Bring it on, cant wait!
Im sure it will shut us down, Im ok with that:) We're under warnings from 10pm tonite til Fri night:)
Have a great weekend, not sure when Ill get back to post
Macadamia Nut Chocolate Chip Ecstasies
22 hours ago
I was just reading your blog about your little ones legs hurting him. I have a 21 year old that complained all the time when he was that age and his feet turned in bad that he tripped on them sometimes. We took him to an orthopedic doctor and he wore the little white orthopedic shoes that basically look like his shoes were on the wrong feet and then wore a bar that attached to the bottom of the shoes at night to help turn his feet out. Today, the only time I can see any turning of his feet is if he is really, really tired and I think I'm the only one who notices that. It did the trick. He didn't like it at first, but it worked and I am so glad we did it. I see adults who have the problem that wasn't corrected and I feel sorry for them. Other than the expense of the shoes and making sure those are the shoes they wear all the time and the bar at night it is an easy fix. You won't be sorry! Do it now before it is too late and you regret that you didn't. Have a beautiful day, Bev
Oh, Jenn, your poor little ones. I hope the ortho doc can get to the bottom of it. Enjoy your storm and stay safe & warm. Good time for all that baking you want to do.
Awh geeeeesh, poor little kiddo's. I hope they both feel better soon!
Enjoy your storm...hope ya get lots of snow! ;)
I think you're the only one I know who actually looks forward to a foot of snow! LOL!
Have a great day!
When it rains it pours,huh?
Poor kiddos!!
Poor Mommy!
I sure pray things get better for them and you very soon!
I wished we were getting a bunch of snow!! That would be so awesome!!
Would you believe it's in the 30's here today and supposed to be in the 50-60's tomorrow with possible t-storms???
They are saying something about colder temps and snow for Sunday though.....I sure hope so!!
Take care.... :)
I'm praying for y'all...
Stop torturing me with snow talk! :) Stay safe. Come over and see my amazing swap gifts.
i hope everything turns out for the good.
i bet bella just has the ear infection, which may be causing her sinuses to act up, hence the eye problem.
my daughter(#1) c/o leg pain when growing yup. dr. said it was literally just that- growing pains. they are more common in boys so hopefully there is no major problems. let us know how things are going.
My little one always gets sinus infection that runs out her eyes. My oldest has leg pains but they are that. I put warmed towels around her leg which eases the leg for the night. maybe this info can help you figure out what works for yours. take care Kim
Jenn, so sorry you are going through this right now especially....the little ones don't need to be hurting or sick when Santa is coming!!!!
Hope you get results soon.
Sounds like Bella is suffering from her ears.
Such a uplifting blog!! I'm in a happy mood now!
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