Ive been busy tweaking my Christmas decor and making a few gifts for family and a few things for myself. It seems this cold/flu/crud has gotten me AGAIN! Bella came down with it Thurs, then shortly after Dom got it and sure enough so did I! Its not to terrible this time around which is a good thing.
My snowman -
Santa sitter -
Another Santa -
Thank you to Trudy at Crows In The Attic Primitives for the RAK of wool she sent to make my Santas come to life:)
Have you tried Raggedy Angel's Room Sprays yet? GO GET SOME if you havent, they are AWESOME!!
~Christmas Collectons~
I collect cookie jars, snowmen and now santas. What are some things you collect?
You have been busy....sorry to hear you have been sick again....maybe you have had yours for the whole Winter!
Thanks for the plug for my spray...so glad you liked them.
You sure have taken to that sewing machine:) All that you have made is just so prim and neat.
So sorry you got it again but I'm glad it wasn't to bad this time around.
Have a great day.
Awwww Jenn...not again!!
I hope this one passes through your home quickly!
I love room spray, I am going to check out Beth's site right now...Thanks for the info.
And feel better soon!
Jenn, I love everything you have made & you do such an awesome job. Sorry you got the crud again, I've got it, too. I feel awful today but I took some Dayquil & have to plug away, too much to do. Have a great day.
~ Pam
I love all the stuff your making Jenn! Those Santa's are wonderful ! Hope you have a good day !
Janae :-)
everything looks great!! sorry to hear you are sick again, thats crappy!!
christmas collections?.hmmm. maybe ornies? i sure do have a lot. lol
You've been busy girl!!! It all looks WONDERFUL!!!
I I have a lot of santas and snowmen - we do a display of each - so I guess I collect both of them! LOL
I love what you're doing Jenn! I think that first Santa is my favorite...he's funky looking! haha!
I collect a lot of Christmasy things...vintage ornaments, bottle brush trees, snowmen. For some reason I don't have a lot of Santa's. I need to do something about that.
Hope this round of crud goes away soon.
Oh...forgot to say I'm running low on room spray. I usually pick them up at a Prim shop near here, but she's not stocking a lot right now. I've seen Beth's site, and I might have to try some hers.
So sorry to hear you are sick again! Thats usually how it goes though, it just keeps going around and around!! I love all of your new creations they are so cute and prim!!! Hope you feel better soon!~Wendy
Jenn, you know I LOVE your stuff! I'm sorry that y'all are feeling yucky again and I hope it passes quickly, never to return!
Both Santas are just adorable! And the snowman is too!
As for collections, I have collections of collections. But for Christmas, I collect quirky prim Santas, snowmen & children's Christmas books. I can't think of anything else right now that is just for Christmas. Probably because my mind is too cluttered with all my other stuff! LOL!
Feel better soon and have a great day!
I'm so sorry to hear you are sick again! I hope you feel better soon! I love your santas! That one hanging on the wall is my fav! I collect santas and snowmen, I love them! Take care! ~Beth~
Santas and snowmen..love em..and for everyday decor cat stuff...love it..love your decorations..:)
Sorry you are under the weather again! Feel better, my friend. I love all your crafties. Everything looks so wonderful.
Christmas collection- Definitely nutcrackers. I have over 50 now.
Love your decorations...very sweet!
Sorry to hear about the sickness again...take care.
Hope your home stays well for the holidays! Loved the new projects, esp. the santa! I collect Santa's too and gingerbread anything! lol
Hi Jenn,
I love all your things...you do a wonderful job...on EVERYTHING!
I'm sorry your sick again....bummer! hopefully it passes quickly for ya this time!
Your Santas look adorable!! I hope you feel better soon!
Darn colds! Glad you're feeling better though! And you have been a busy little Bee!
And I collect Santas, Snowmen, Vintage China, fabric, patterns and I could go o and on and on! LoL
So sorry to hear you are sick again, I hope you feel better soon.
Love your blog and all your prim goodies :0)
Adorable! I love the basket!
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