Ive been busy trying to stay warm! WOWIE, was it cold or what?
I took the plunge and opened my Etsy shop back up and listed a few things on ebay. The heart on my header actually did pretty good on ebay so I made another and got it listed. I also made up some, well a TON of different shaped heart bowlfillers and have some prim stars sitting on top of the wood burner now.
I made 2 different size and shaped heart door greeters from my own pattern. Im still too afraid to purchase a pattern and give it a go so I make up my own!
I was also offered an opportunity to peddle my prims at a craft show in Oct of this year. I have thought about it hard since Saturday and am still thinking. Its a great chance to get out there but its over 2 hours away and I have NEVER done a craft show so I have no idea what to expect or anything!
They are really pretty. After seeing all the things you've shared on your blog, I'm sure you'd do very well at a craft show. Good luck in coming to a decision :)
Have a blessed evening!
Hi Jenn!! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I repsonded to your question on my blog, so neat how you rememeber your mom rug hooking, you should try it!! Stay warm and I love your blog!!! Cathy
I Love your Prim hearts Jenn!! No surprise they are doin well on ebay-they're great!
Good Luck with the craft show, if you decide to do it...I know you'll do just fine:) !!!
Love the hearts Jenn, I should start selling on ebay just always afraid to take the plunge:)
Love the hearts Jenn ! I bet you'll do great on Etsy !
Your new hearts look great! I love the moss. I used to do craft shows years ago. They can SOOOO much fun and usually you meet the nicest people! You should try at least one.
Jenn, the hearts look great. You come up with the cutest things. Craft shows are fun, you get to meet alot of people. The only way you'll know is if you give it a try.
I love both of them Jenn! I'm glad you did well with your first one.
I think you'd do great setting up at a show, and I'm sure they are lots of people who can give you some tips.
Stay warm!
aww! your hearts are adorable!
Hey Jenn,
Love the hearts. Very prim. Off to check out your Etsy..
Prim Hugs, Tammy
Jenn, both of your hearts are awesome! About patterns, I think it is BETTER that you are using your own patterns and creating what you envision. That is the mark of a true artisan. :)
Hey there.
Love the hearts! Good luck with your sales :) Hope you are doing well and keep staying warm!
oh you are going to have so much fun at your gift show..take some one with you to help you..as this is your first show..preferably someone who has done one or two..maybe do a show with someone else..have a table for your sacks, wrapping tissue, tape etc..it makes wrapping up your goodies so much nicer... make some business cards to add to their packages too.so they can contact you in the future..you can also have a guestbook so they can put their addresses in and you can send postcards etc to your next event...have your stuff nicely displayed and prices on them..have your money in a box..I always do a $100 dollars and break it down in 1's, 5's etc along with the coins too..Oh I love doing the shows..it is so much fun see them oohh and aaah at your stuff and then take it home...good luck and if you need anything else let me know...I am hoping to do my big show at christmas this year..will do it with or without my best friend...hoping she is not too burned out to do it...:)
Your work is just wonderful!
I love each heart...can't pick just one that I like because I love them all.
I think you should take the plunge and go for it...do the craft show. You will enjoy yourself and as Cap Nap Inn said...you will see everyone oohhh and aaahhh over your items. I did my very first show this past summer and truly enjoyed it. It is quite the experience.
good luck on your sales....love your blog...
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