Hi friends!
Ive been a bit down lately that's why I haven't posted much! Its a combo of things that I wont bore you with. I just watched Jumper, HAVE YOU SEEN IT YET? Ha, its been out for a while, but just came out on HBO so I DVR'd it the other night. Ive actually watched it twice!! Once last night and once a little while ago!!
Hayden Christensen is to DIE for in this movie....total hottie! Wow!!
He makes my heart jump, literally!

Speaking of heart.......Valentine's Day is coming up! Ive been working on some bowl fillers/ornies for my tree. I actually left it up just for Valentines Day:)

We've been having some CRAZY weather, rain/ice/snow/sleet - lost power this morning for about 7 hours! Its been nuts!
Ive been on a few times to see what you are all up to but haven't felt much like posting! Cabin fever is starting to sink in.
Well now I'm just rambling.....if you haven't seen Jumper yet - PLEASE do!
Ive been a bit down lately that's why I haven't posted much! Its a combo of things that I wont bore you with. I just watched Jumper, HAVE YOU SEEN IT YET? Ha, its been out for a while, but just came out on HBO so I DVR'd it the other night. Ive actually watched it twice!! Once last night and once a little while ago!!
Hayden Christensen is to DIE for in this movie....total hottie! Wow!!
He makes my heart jump, literally!

Speaking of heart.......Valentine's Day is coming up! Ive been working on some bowl fillers/ornies for my tree. I actually left it up just for Valentines Day:)
We've been having some CRAZY weather, rain/ice/snow/sleet - lost power this morning for about 7 hours! Its been nuts!
Ive been on a few times to see what you are all up to but haven't felt much like posting! Cabin fever is starting to sink in.
Well now I'm just rambling.....if you haven't seen Jumper yet - PLEASE do!
Jenn~I've seen that movie and I have to agree with you...He is DEFINATELY a Hottie!
Hope your cabin fever breaks soon...but it does look as though you have been creative! The bowl fillers are very prim! I really like them!
Havent seen that movie. I will have to check it out.
All your new creations look great. Love all the heart bowlfillers. Nice and grubby. Good job.
Hope the cabin fever will break soon.
We are having crazy weather too. I will be glad when spring gets here.
Have a good day. Hugs, Tammy
Hey Jenn!
I haven't seen the movie.
I love your new background!!
and I love your heart bowl fillers!
I have a question...PLEASE Don't LOL! :)
I got a sewing machine and I have been working on some hearts too...well, how do I stitch the opening closed after I stuff 'em? Mine look HORRIBLE!? Yours are great! I can't even tell where you stitched yours closed---
We're having terrible weather here too...ice and snow!
Have a great day-girl!
Hi. I just gave you an award. Please stop by and pick it up sometime.
Jenn~It is a tinted wax...I will have to ask Ann-Marie from This Simple Time...I think it is from Minwax!
I'll get back to you when I find out exactly what it is called...I think it is a furniture wax. I'm hoping that this will give it a more prim look than it would if I spray polyurathane on it!
Hey there,
I was thinking about you this morning- glad to see you pop up again.
I love all the hearts!
Hope you have a great day!
Hey Jenn! I haven't seen the movie but I will have to check it out!
I love all of your Valentines! Very nice!
Oh My Jenn! You've got me all hot and bothered!!(or is that just the Australian weather? LoL) I've gotta watch that movie now!
Jenn, I love all of your new Valentine prims. Awesome job.
Jenn ~
Thanks so much for the tip on keeping my post at the top ~ going to try it now !
Thanks for stopping by mu blog....Death by Chocolate will drive away that sweet craving for sure....My hottie is Johnny Depp...When I say something about him my kids say MOTHER....
hey Sweetie....So sorry you are feeling down. I can definitely relate to that. I need to get out of this funk and get my blogs moving again. I've missed you! :)
Hey Jenn,
I love all the heart bowl fillers! And I have missed you! I haven't been on the computer as much during the holidays either though. It was hard juggling it all really!
I wish we could take a little of that snow off your hands...but I don't want the ice!
Have a great weekend!
Hi Jenn, what cute bowl fillers.
I really like the very grungy heart....great job!
Nope, haven't seen jumper yet but probably will soon.
Hope your spirits will pick up soon. Try thinking fun, positive thoughts.
Hugs, Karen
HI Jenn - just stopping to say hello and you were missed!!
Great Blog Here :)
Hi Jenn~
I saw the movie too! I really liked it. He is very good-looking!
I love all your Valentine stuff...everything is so cute!
I love your fabric hearts! And the falling little red hearts are too cute. Never seen those before.
Hey Jenn! I haven't seen that movie, but got a good laugh at you talking about it! :D He's cute, huh? :D
Love your prim hearts! Looking forward to seeing your valentine tree!
And I hope you are feeling better by now. Hang in there!
I love your prim hearts and the heart background too! Hope you get your groove back soon!
Geez, Hayden looks like my 23 year old son. Hard to get excited!
Love your stuff, kiddo. Good music too. Found you at Kim's Prims today.
Hey Jenn, hope your feeling better and hoping the movie helped. I haven't seen it yet. I am so behind on watching movies. There are several out now at the moment I would love to see, but most likely will see in on DVD.
Love all your Valentine decorations. Everything has you in the mood for love. :)
Hope your having a better week.
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