Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ankle Set Back

Just as I thought everything was fine since my followup apt with my Orthopaedic Surgeon on the 9th I had to go and do something to my ankle! Ok, well I guess its not anything I did, but the arthritis in my ankle did. I was walking thru the grocery last night, about 1/2 way thru I had stepped down on my right foot and it was all over. I went right down as my ankle completely gave out. I had to do ALL I could to prevent myself from getting sick right there in the isle. DH helped me up, got me one of the ride on carts. I managed to get myself out to AND inside the car without bearing any weight on my ankle. Thats a VERY HARD thing to do when you left hip is all messed up from walking with a cam boot for more than 6 mo and walking with a bad bad limp for 21 mo. Yeah - my limp isnt little its HUGE! Everywhere I go I get a "wow, thats not a good walk"! Mmhhmm, gets old after so many times ya know? Or I get the stares which I shouldnt bother me but they do!

So anyhow...........my ankle swelled immediatly last night about 8x the normal swelled size. Its always swollen a little but this was un real!! This is a pic of my ankle about 2 months ago in the evening after being up and on it all day.

Nasty isnt it? This is usually how it looks ALL of the time!!

So I iced and got it elevated for a while. This morning when i woke up I couldnt apply any weight without terrible pain shooting to my toes, under my foot, up my heel and up my leg. I pretty much crawled into the basement (seriously!) to get my crutches and had my BIL put Bella on the bus for me. At that point I was thinking, Ill give it a week or so and if it doesnt get any better Ill call the DR. Well it let up a little and I was able to walk a few steps without the terrible pain but them it would start back up. I called my MIL around 11:30 to see if she could come over and get B off the bus for me. She talked me into calling the DR.

I called, left him a message and he called back within 5 mins. He said the arthritis probably got to a certain point and my ankle just cant handle anymore. Said to put my cam boot back on (JOY!) and use the crutches stay off of it as much as I can. He said I can come in anytime I want for them to look at it and we WILL HAVE TO bump up my surgery! That crushed me!! Here I was looking forward to a cast and pain fee Holiday season and.....thats shot!

I hate to be a complainer but I hardly ever say anything about my accident, injury and my pain. Sometimes ya just need a good vent!!

So right now we're at keep it elevated, stay off of it, wear the boot (all with 2 babies and a teenager) and call me if it gets worse. I cant imagine it getting any worse than this, my gosh. Every time I would step down today Ide have to breathe like I was going thru labor from the darn pain, haha - can you imagine that??!

Wish me luck that this lil sucker holds out til at least January:)


Juanita said...

I am so sorry!!! I hope that you are able to hold this off until the holidays are over.But hopefully when the time comes for the surgery and it's all over with everything will be "all better".

Linda - Behind My Red Door said...

OH Jenn - I am so sorry! I had surgery on my foot many years ago and had a non weight bearing cast for 12 weeks. I vowed I would never take my mobility for granted and so I sympathize with you. It's hard to have any semblance of a life with an injury like that. I hope that surgery brings you relief - is that the expected outcome? Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Andrea said...

Oh my goodness! How terrible! I hope things will improve quickly for you, and that the swelling will go down, and that the pain will ease up.


basketsnprims said...

Jenn, I feel so bad for you. I've have broken both of my feet, not at the same time, but it's certainly no fun. I can't believe how swollen it is. Please take care, bless your heart! Oh, forgot to ask, how do you get in on a pay it forward? Thanks


Cathy said...

OH No!! That looks way painful!!!! I feel so bad!!! Hopefully you can actually stay off of it! Praying for you!

Gettysburg Homestead said...

Oh Jenn I wouldn't wait. If you wait to long you will have so many more problems as you get older. I would get it fixed as soon as possible. Ok I know do as I say not as I do. I have a bad disk in my back and refuse to get it fixed.

Anyway, thanks for entering my giveaway... and I'm going to add you to my blog roll if you're not already there.


Black Sheep Lisa said...

Jenn, i am keepin' you in my prayers. I know how you are feeling, lingering injuries from an accident! Its been 8 years for me and i am still dealing with some things that will only get worse as i get older.

TidyMom said...

Oh Jenn how miserable! I hope you can get it fixed up quickly - don't worry about the holidays, you need to get yourself fixed up. Take care, and get some rest.


My Colonial Home said...

OMGosh Jenn, that looks so awful. I sure hope things clear up soon for you. I'm so sorry.

Jenn, I see you have a background in you Blog...I have been trying to follow the directions from Mandi on her site 'how to' but just can't get it....can you e-mail me and tell me how you got yours on???
I e-mailed her but never heard back from her.
Thanks, Karen

Tammy ~ Country Girl at Home ~ said...

Jenn...Bless your heart! I'm so sorry! Do you think maybe you should just go ahead and get the surgery over with instead of waiting until January? I know you don't want to be that immobile during the holidays, but if you're in pain, that could be worse and I know it would make me very irritable!

Take care of yourself!

Yankee Ridge Primitives said...

Yea, youre ALL right, haha!
Ive been thinking about it all morning and decided to just go ahead and have them schedule this dang surgery! Im gonna call back in a little while and Ill post the news. Thanks for ALL OF YOUR prayers and wonderful comments, they sure have made me smile a bit.

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Jenn, I am so sorry that you are still having such a problem with your foot. I am sending you a prayer and a big hug!

basketsnprims said...

Jenn, just wondering how you are doing today. I'm glad you decided to call & go ahead with the surgery. Take care & keep us posted.


Catty Wampus said...

That sucks big time my friend; but hopefully the surgery will fix the problem! I am so angry that some big ole jackass ruined your mobility like this ! I just hope that you recover fast and that this is the fix for you! You deserve a good time in life and I hope that this will return you to your old self; I will be hoping that you feel better ASAP! Merrie

Deb said...

Oh Jenn, I so sorry for your pain. I wish there were some words I could say to make it better. I'll send up a prayer again, that you get to go through with your plans for the holidays. Get rest whenever you can. Deb

Catty Wampus said...

Hey Jenn look at my blog; it's for you! Hope u like it my friend; Merrie

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

Oh my, it looks so painful- good luck.

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you are going through all of this with your ankle.