Monday, January 4, 2010

Moving on!

We’re all doing pretty well considering all that's happened in the last 2 weeks.

My father is renting a house about a 1/4 of a mile away from his house which is good because he's not too far.

They have his bedroom and bathroom totally gutted right down to the rafters and wood. It looks like only a few pieces of structural wood will have to be replaced but overall the firemen did a wonderful job in putting that baby out!

His boiler system and power is back on to the part of the house that got the smoke damage and there are huge industrial fans drying everything out!

We took a ride over on New Years Eve to see and it is just awful! Every time I walk in there I'm in tears!

I'm getting better and over my anger phase about the fire but it seems our Luck Of The Irish strikes AGAIN!

My father called me New Years day to let me know that the house was broken into sometime New Years Eve and things were stolen from him and his tenants upstairs!

Unbelievable! If I could find the person(so) that did this, they would get a major beat down and still might If I EVER find out who it was!

My father has about 2 months before construction starts so I just hope he can find something to keep him busy and out of trouble until then!

Thank you for all the emails wondering how we’re doing!!

On a lighter note we got hammered with snow over the weekend! There is about 3 feet out there and I am just loving it! Jason cleaned out the driveway 3 times yesterday with the last being around 8pm last night. When I took Bella out to the bus this morning I had to shovel us a path out, there was another 6” that fell! Its great:)

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their New Year so far:)



My Colonial Home said...

I pray that 2010 will be your FATHER'S YEAR, that all will be well with him and I do hope the perpatrators of the breakin are prey on the already hurting.
Gotta love the snow!
Hugs, Karen

Backwoodsprim said...

Glad to hear you are doing some better with things...remember...this too shall pass......
O.k.....I've been wanting some send it down this way...o.k.?? We just may be getting some around Thursday!Yippee!
Love the kid's pics! My goodness they are a growin'!! :-D
Lil' Cuties!

Have a great week!

Unknown said...

SO glad to hear your father is hanging in there! The new year and decade will be better, hang on!

Lynn Barbadora said...

How sad that some one could steal from someone who has already lost so makes you wonder how some people live with themselves. Hang in there!

Linda said...

Hi Jenn.........I just laugh every time you get so excited about tons of snow! You keep it sweetie!
Oh, my goodness the kids are miniatures of you and Jason....that picture is too cute.

Anonymous said...

That someone could be so bereft of a basic sense of morality to do that to someone that was already dealing with so much, just makes me upset!!
I'm so sorry that you all are up against so much stress right now. :(
That's a lot of snow! I'm glad you enjoy it, that must make wintertime so much more enjoyable. :)

Farm Field Primitives said...

So glad you have the snow you so love. You can keep it!! How awful that someone can steal especially from someone with so many other problems. They will reap their punishment one day...if you don't get them first!! Take care and hang in there. This too shall pass!!

carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Jenn, believe it or not, we are expecting snow later this week! I'm excited! :)
I'm so sorry about all you & your family are going through. regardless who stole from your Dad, I hope they get caught!
Have a nice week!

Linda* ~ Josephine’s Daughter said...

So sorry to hear about all this. I hope things turn around for you and your family. Not to worry those who do bad will get there's in the end!

Carmen S. said...

It is so, so sad the times we are living in that someone would steal from fire victims and I hope they find who is responsible, folks like that make my blood boil! Very precious pic of your kids:)

Anonymous said...

Aww Jenn.. I feel so bad for you and your dad and family! The depravity of some people is just unreal isn't it? Nothing like kicking someone when they're down. Wishing you all love and good luck from now on! Huggggs!!!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

When I hear about people doing things like that I always wonder how they sleep at night!

We got snow too and the schools around here were canceled today, Samantha was sad because she was supposed to be munchie monster today:)


Catherine said...

Sounds like you father is hanging in there - but boy, what he has been through! Hopefully the year will only get better from here!

lilmamasprimitives said...

I just wanted to let you know this has been weighing heavy on my heart. your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry what has happened to you all! I wish there was something I could do for you. You are doing a great job of keeping your spirits up..
All my love

Red Shed Primitives said...

I hope 2010 goes much better for your family. Enjoy your snow!

Donna~One Simple Country Girl said...

I'm sorry that bad things just seem to keep finding your dad! Hopefully 2010 will be a much better year for him and your family. Just wanted to tell you that I love, love, love the goodies I won from you in your giveaway. I have the snowman sitting prominently on my fireplace mantel! He is sooo cute! Thanks again for picking me as your winner and I hope you have a great day!

NorthWoods Country said...

I'm sorry to read the bad news you and your family have been going through. hope 2010 will be a better year, Always keep a positive attitude and never dwell on the negative. I love your blog background it is so cute :)...

Ps: you can come get my snow i have out grown it! LOL

Take care,

Farmhouse Blessings said...

Bless your heart ~ it has been a tough start for you. I hope all the challenges are behind you and blessings just flow your way!

Smiles, Lea