First I want to thank you all who stopped by yesterday and commented on my post. You re a GREAT bunch of girls and I thank you for keeping me in your thoughts!
I have my ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow morning so hopefully Ill know more by Monday at the latest!
My MIL called me yesterday afternoon to tell me about a primitive yard sale. She picked me up a few mins later and off we went. This girl had MEGA prim dolls, all for $3-$5. AWESOME AWESOME dolls for every season. I only picked up one as I fell in love with her. The weirdest thing happened when I got home, not only was there a HUGE black hairy spider crawling in her hair but I noticed a tag on her arm that read, Rose Curtis - Bittersweet Prims. HOW WEIRD IS THAT????

I tried to email her but it came back to me.
If anyone knows who the designer of this pattern is please please PLEASE let me know as I would love to make a few of my own.
I also picked up 2 cutters for $2 ea! YAY!!! Told ya I'de get one soon enough:)
A quilted pillow for $1, 2 stitchery stockings - $2 ea and big chenille candy canes for $2 a bundle. Oh and an old rectangle mirror with a wooden frame that I'm planning on painting.

BB soon with more news!
Wonderful finds (except for the spider). I'll keep you in my prayers, Jen.
OMG! I would never find a yardsale like that here! You got some great prims! And for cheap too! That is so wierd about the tag on the doll! Maybe you should try to google her and see what comes up?
I hope all goes well with your ultrasound. Nothing like being in suspense. I am praying for you that it is nothing major. I am sure it will be nice for you to know so you can stop worrying and get some relief!
Sure wish we had sales like that around here, did they advertise it as a prim sale? that's an idea.
wow!! sounds like my kind of a yard sale. lucky you!!
Good luck with your upcoming test, Jen. I will be praying for you.
LOVE the dolly!!!!
I think she sold on ebay, quite a few years back. If it is the same girl, she did her own doll designs. I could be mistaken about whom it is. I think she was from Ohio or Indiana.....
Good luck with your test. Try not to worry too much. I've been ther.
Great yard sale! How nice of you MIL to tell you about it.
Great yard sale! How nice of you MIL to tell you about it.
OMGosh that doll would have been flung across the room. I'm crawly just reading it. Of all my fears that is one...can't deal with spiders.
But your doll is wonderful!
Hope you can find who you are looking for.
Wowsers!! You sure got fabulous goodies!! Im jealous!! ;)
And what wonderful prices!! Lucky girl!!
What??? No pic of the big hairy spider?? Come on!! I've shared pics of spiders! LOL
Great finds though! I am so jealous! will need to hit some yard sales when I come visit the US next year! (yes I know you thought it would be this year! Long story
I wanna shop at your yard sales!! Great find....I hope you killed the spider(shudder).
Yuck...spiders I too shudder just reading about it!!!
Neat doll and btw I'm glad your going in for the ultrasound, you will be in my prayers.
Jenn..the more I think of it, The name Rose Curtis sounds so familiar.
There was a lady you sold her things in a shop in Heath, Ohio. It is called Finder Keepers. Maybe they can help you find her. The number is 1-800-843-9301. They advertise in the Ohio Country Register also. I don't remember where she lived but I am sure nearby. The shop is about a half hour east of Columbus.
great finds!!! i have been seeing more & more prims at yard sales.. it makes me worry.. are people tired of the dollies and such already?? i sure hope not!!!
p.s. i can't wait to see what you make with the cutter quilts.
Hi Jen, I love your prim garage sale finds - the dolls are awesome! :) I am praying for you and your ultrasound. I love my goodies you sent me! :)
Keeping you in my prayers!!
Hi Jenn: Great the dolls. where is this prim sale?? Do they have sales often? I'd love to go...let me know. I'm in the area.
Hi Jenn: Thanks for the info on the prim sale. Where exactly is the Middleport community yard sale....I've only been to the drive inn many years ago... maybe I'll google it. I won't be able to go until after 12pm tomorrow. hope there's still some great stuff to find?? Did you see my pic on my blog, if you see me first, say HI!! I'll look for you too.
ps I love your booth at Medina too. very cute stuff. trying to get in too...guess someone may be moving out..and the woman from Canada is also moving in... How do you like it? send me an email if you like.
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