Monday, June 14, 2010

Senior Portraits

Crazy expensive aren't they? WOW!

I decided since I have a pretty decent DSLR that I was going to take them myself. Instead of paying hundreds of dollars on a package through the school Ill only spend about $20 and get ONLY the pictures that I NEED for family.

This will be her senor portrait for the yearbook, hopefully! It has to be approved yet

I still have to sort through 140 pictures to pick what I want for my "package"

She wanted us to get her a full page in the yearbook so she can put her pictures of whatever in there and wanted to take her friend Nicolette along so here are a few shots of them

And, thats THAT! :)

Thank you for all of the prayers and well wishes. I wasnt nervous about this until I had my pre-op today and talked to the nurse! UGH! Ill get through it and get on as soon as I can!


WoolenSails said...

Your daughter's pictures are beautiful.
They have so many options and packages now, I only went with one large for me and small for family.

Good luck with your surgery, my prayers will be with you.


WoolenSails said...

Your daughter's pictures are beautiful.
They have so many options and packages now, I only went with one large for me and small for family.

Good luck with your surgery, my prayers will be with you.


Anonymous said...

wait a minute have a daughter who's going to be a senior? I thought your kids were small? My daughter's last day of HS was today.....unbelieveable how time flies....

Kimberly said...

Oooh, Jenn, she's a looker!

But you already knew that, right?

Congrats to the lovely grad!

Linda said...

Those are beautiful Jenn!
Be thinking of you on surgery day for sure.

My Colonial Home said...

I have to agree about the cost of Senior photos...outrageous!
YOU DID AN EXCELLENT JOB....your daughter is adorable.


Farm Field Primitives said...

You did a great job with the pictures. The girls are beautiful. Good luck with surgery....prayers are being said.

Gettysburg Homestead said...

LOVE the portraits!!!!

What beautiful girls!!!


carolyn@simple~primitive~devotion said...

Jenn, the photos are awesome! Kin & her friend are both beautiful girls!

You know we are all praying that your surgery goes well and that you heal quickly. Thinking of you!

Talk to you soon!