Get on ova there and sign yourself up!!
Click on the picture to the left to enter:)
I also joined Janae & Pam and opened a selling blog:)
Its called Yankee Ridge Primitives! You can also find that by clicking the picture to the left. Why Yankee Ridge Primitives you ask?
Well..........I am a Yankee after all, and Ridge came to mind because if you're from my area you're familiar with Route 104, also known as Ridge Rd. Its a pretty long stretch of rd passing through numerous towns and counties and people around here refer to it as "over the Ridge" if your over Rt 104 or "before the Ridge" if you're before it! Thus, Yankee Ridge Primitives was born:)
Ive been pretty busy with a few of my own patterns
I just love these lil guys with the tails, ha!
This is a Sweatpeas Primitives make do pattern. I actually made him a few weeks back but didn't have the make do part, while out thrifting 2 weekends ago I found some candle sticks. I made another Herbert with his stitchery egg:)
Ill be drawing a winner the night of Feb 22nd and posting the winner Monday morning, so get your entry in:)
Oh Jenn those are all so cute,,,,I know you will do well selling your goodies! Great name too! Beth
Wishing you much success on your new blog Jenn! Love the explanation for the name.
Just wonderful prims you are whipping up. I love them all. Congrats on opening your selling blog ~ I wish you much success.
I'm off to check it out.
Congrats on your new selling blog opening up. I think that is such a great idea!! Good Luck and I hope it takes off for you.
You have such cute things!!
Oh I do love your sheep :)(i love all your stuff)
Best of luck with your selling blog...Love the name!
I will add ya to my selling blog, hopefully I will be getting things priced and ready to sell soon!! I'm off to check out yours now!
have a wonderful day!
You are the second blog today that I have read that is having a selling blog. Best wishes on your new adventure!
You are a busy girl!
I love your selling blog and your designs are to die for! Do you know just how adorable those bunnies are? Sooo cute.
Good luck, you should do well! You were born for prim! So cute!
I like your Sweetpeas bunny! He has a cute little butt!!
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